Over the weekend we took Rachael to go see Santa. We go down the GM RenCen in Downtown Detroit. We go there because it's never busy. Which I find suprising because they have a pretty good setup there AND it's FREE! (I can't figure out how to fix my pictures. Google is croping them, if you click on the picture, you can see the whole pic)

My daughter is 4, and she has yet to sit on Santas lap. She's not having any of it! lol For a month, she has talked of nothing else. She was going to ask Santa for a accordian and an easel. Well, here is the inital meeting...

After much talking and showing of Dora the Explorer stickers, we managed to get ONE picture of Rachael without one of her parents in the picture.This was short lived though as she quickly realized that I had stepped away.

The one thing I really like about Santa at the RenCen is that it's not busy, so Santa is able to give a little one on one time with the scared kids. This is where Rachael was able to tell Santa of her Christams present wishes.

I still don't think she's buying it though. Look at the look on her face! lol

The funny thing was every time I would back up an inch to try to remove myself, she would back up right with me. These pictures are exactly the same from the last two years. It's weird because my kid is really outgoing. I guess I should be thankfull that my kid isn't so gulliable that she'll sit on a strangers lap.
After Santa, we went to go see The Polar Express at the IMAX theater at Greenfield Villiage. I highly reccomend that if you have small children. I was afraid she would be afraid of it, and she was at first, but she loved it. I highy reccomend The Heney Ford Museum and Greenfield villiage if you happen to be in town. There isn't a lot to see in Detroit, but Greenfield Villiage is one of the few things we have.
As for sewing, well, I have to admit, i'm not really in the mood. I did manage to cut
Simplicity 2774 View C But when it will get sewn, I have no idea. I have a ton of embroidery I need to do for Christmas presents and we still haven't got the tree up! I'm just not on top of things this year.