Friday, August 19, 2011

Colette Crepe -- FNSI

I can't remember if I signed up for the FNSI or not.  :(


This is why I get so damn frustrated.  I have a muslin of my Crepe finished.  Other than the fact that it's a size to small in the skirt (which I kinda knew it would be before I even cut it, I just didn't want to admit it) the dress fits perfectly.  EXCEPT for the back, which is like 4 sizes too big in the shoulders.  That kills me because i'm an 8 by my measurements (which is tiny as far as i'm concerned! lol )  I'm thinking I may need a 6 or even a 4 in the back shoulders only.  What sucks is that i'm probably going to have to retrace everything except for the front, which is like making a whole new dress.

I know a lot of you don't want to hear it since I know some of you make 14 muslins before you get a good fit.  I OTOH am not used to caring about fit, or i'm usually sewing with knits, so woven muslins are killing me.  I'm getting kind of good at figuring out what adjustments I may need for a big 4 patterns.  However, I have never used a Colette pattern before, and it seems as if their fit is WAY different.

Anyway, i'm going to bed.  Hopefully I will have something to share soon.

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