For the last few weeks (OK, months) I haven't had much of an interest in sewing. I think the only thing I actually finished besides the Butterick dress was some cloth baby wipes for a friend.
It's not that I haven't been sewing. I'm trying. I'm really, really trying. It's just that nothing fits, I don't know how to fix it, and it's starting to piss me off!
My first attempt was a Vogue dress that was so big that after the first one or two (feeble) attempts at trying to fix it, I knew it was a wadder. My second attempt was a McCalls dress. I cut a size 14, but can you belive that the stupid thing is about 5 inches too big? So, another wadder. Attempt three is a pair of KS shorts. They are particially made, sitting there on the ironing board just waiting for their turn. I lost interest installing the zipper. Bah again!
So, today I decided I needed some instant gratification. I came across New Look 6464. Easiest project ever. Although, I think i'm about 15 years too old for this look, I just don't give a shit. I'm going to wear this sucker with pride until I can make something a little more age appropriate fit! HA HA
For your viewing displeasure...