Ahem, having said that, I finally decided to wade into the vintage sewing waters the other day. With all the patterns I have laying around, want to take a guess on what my first project was? If you guessed a current Butterick repro, you win! (There is no actual prize, just be happy that you're a winner)

I gotta say that I just LOVE this dress...IF I had chosen a better fabric. The pink is a cotton and it wrinkles like crazy! This is supposed to be a fun little dress. I have no intentions of ironing it when I want to wear it. Hopefull to many people will notice. :/
I made a size 12, due to teh fact that a lot of reviewers mentioned to go down a size. Because of that, I had to use buttons and loops. The loops are a bit too long, but I think i can fix that with no problems. Other than that, i just love this dress. Give it a shot!